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Thoughts and stories

We all have thoughts and tell stories, both to ourselves and to others.
This is part of how we interact as humans, so let us share our stories and thoughts with you.
Our new office home

Our new office home

People generally appreciate having a pleasant working environment, so when we came across this location, we didn't hesitate long. Our office used to be in Hoofddorp. Although it was very nicely decorated, it was inside a big concrete building that was next to a lot of other concrete buildings like ours. Not very inspiring! We had vague plans to move but nothing specific.
That is until we came across this location. Quite by accident, we ended up having lunch in the basement of this castle.
Yes, it's really a castle! And it's one that is very centrally situated in Houten close to Utrecht. Itโ€™s called Castle Heemstede.
Out of modesty, we must point out that it is a small castle and we occupy only one floor of it.
The reason we fell for it was the space. Castle Heemstede is located among big, old trees and cornfields. These surroundings are inspirational to say the least, and we thought this might also be the case for the people who visit us. We have in-house training facilities, cozy tower rooms for private conversations or for sitting alone with your thoughts. Going for a walk in the grounds is a great alternative for sitting in an office all day.
Let me tell you a little more about the castle itself. It was built in 1645 in a very symmetric style, with a focus on comfortable living. It has been owned by number of families over the centuries. Tragically, the castle was burnt almost to the ground in 1987. Castle Heemstede remained in ruins for some years afterwards, and it took until 1999 for it to be thoroughly restored. There are the remains of some old, fire-damaged oak beams in the attic.

We are very proud and very honoured to call this place our office home. Driving up the driveway feels like being on holiday rather than arriving at work.

Our new office home - Books

If you like, we recommend taking a look at the website of the restaurant. It is very good and an experience all of its own.

Written by Julia Brouwers