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Behavioural Strategy

In the last few decades, more and more insights have been gained into what influences strategic decisions. However, whether the strategic choice has to do with the future plans of a company, a project or an acquisition, those involved are susceptible to biases that can distort the outcome of their intended strategy. In this module, we discuss the fundamental principles of strategy through the lens of Behavioural Science.

We will demonstrate the way biases can influence strategy and the strategic decision-making process. We will also discuss the correct architecture for the strategic decision-making process.
Training Behavioural Strategy

Module content

This programme focuses on the context for strategic choices in which trade-offs have to be made. By means of topics such as Behavioural Strategy, we can help you to better understand the context in which your decision-malking takes place.

* Introduction to Behavioural Science
* The fundamentals of strategy
* Dual process theory: how do we actually think?
* Biases and Heuristics: how our judgements become distorted
* Best practices to counter biases in strategy
* Strategic architecture, how to design the best context for making strategic decisions
* Game Theory: insights from Behavioural Economics that can alter your desired strategic outcome
* Dealing with incomplete information in strategy
* The influence of culture on strategy
* Examples of effective strategy
* Strategy and negotiation
* Strategy during a recession and crisis

Cost: € 990 per person for this one-day training course

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